Thursday, January 2, 2014

Weird Weather (and cryptids?) in our state early this morning.... What the hell is it?

So I am looking out the window while it is snowing around 2 AM this morning in Dedham, where I am from. I happen to notice reflective spots all over the ground. Not knowing what they were I immediately ran to the other room to get my new Sony DCR-SX65 digital camcorder to film them. This new camera which I got a few days ago, is powerful enough to catch any light source brighter than a dim star on video. My older camera probably wouldn't have sufficed here, sadly. Take a look at the video for yourselves. What are the mysterious glowing chunks on the ground? You decide:

So what the hell are these? They could be hail. But notice the video. In a later section of the video, around 1:23 minutes in, one of the "chunks" just disappears, like it exploded or something like that. If this was hail, it wouldn't even do that, you would think. Hail would not just spontaneously explode. No way. You might think, "hey maybe the wind blew it". But it wasn't even windy When I filmed it. Hell it isn't supposed to get real windy till tonight. So what the hell are we dealing with here? I don't know. All I know is it's weird.

Later on in the video I start filming a streetlight to see if the light of the streetlight causes the new camera to see weird artifacts like the old one did, when filming the streetlight. This was filmed before the first part where I zoom in on the chunks, even though it comes later in the video.  Notice the electricity zapping out of the wire. Did something puncture a wire or something? It's weird, because the night I first saw this artifact with the old camera (feb 2011), the streetlight was in a certain angle that time. The next day it's angle changed so I could notice the light itself, unlike the night before. It's almost like a phantom force hit the streetlight. So did the same 'phantom' force hit the wire and streetlight, making the light shatter? Hot glass from the streetlight glass cover (on the bottom of the light) would explain the chunks. I don't know... It's weird.

Making things weirder: 5 Minutes later I saw a giant dog sized black rabbit outside across our street. Not having the camera with me, I decided to film the thing, so I ran back to grab the camera. By the time I came back, it was gone. Was this the 'mouskito', the weird animal I heard scream this august? I don't know. Could just be a pet Rabbit. A BIG one though. Weird night last night.... Go Figure... Just another anomalous situation here, in Southern Massachusetts.