Thursday, January 2, 2014

New UFO hunt completed (with new camera!). Interesting result videos posted.

Well... Since I got lots of money on XMAS to get new equipment, I decided to make the most of it. And boy did I! I ordered a used (but in good condition) Sony DCR-SX65 Digital Camcorder online. It is a MUCH better camera than the old one. It picks up all light sources, even super amplifies them all so I can see them all on the footage. More brightness correction does get done in super dark locations but for the most part, it isn't needed too much.  I decided I wanted to get a UFO investigation done right away, so I spent about 1 hour on DEC 31, between 1:18 AM and 2:20 AM looking for odd lights in the sky. I am glad I did.

It was a really cloudy night that night. NO stars were visible. Except for 1. But this star was suspiciously bright. So I filmed it. Good thing I did, because it's no star. I saw the same light the next night and checked it's height compared to a nearby star, Arcturus. It was too high this time to be Arcturus, by far. So high that it made it obvious it was no star. Stars just don't jump up 20 degrees in the sky like that from one night to the next. One night it's around maybe 30 degrees up. The next night 20 minutes later after the last observation the night before, and it's close to 45 degrees up? Below is footage of the object....

It was moving slowly from right to left. But not moving diagonally across the sky like a star. Just moving horizontally, yet moving too slow to be a plane. It made no noise, didn't change color or shape and was the only star visible those two nights, the other ones were obscured by clouds. This one was not. The next night (last night) it was gone. Disappeared. The clouds had no effect on it being seen the last night. Why disappear last night? That just plain proves it aint no star.
The entire investigation was posted as a video yesterday or the day before to youtube. Watch it here:

I plan to do investigations more often now. Once per week. I don't know when they will be posted, but one night a week they will be published on Mupharts official  youtube channel, which is here. Enjoy, UFO buffs.