Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another UFO Investigation completed, results are in!

Since my last investigation I've been itching to do another. So I did one tonight, spur of the moment
Since my parents decided to go out to eat without me, I decided to spend the 45 minutes I had alone skywatching for UFO's again. And it wasn't without good results this time. I spent 30 minutes looking out the window where I see a lot of them and saw 2 ufo's and got good footage of both, and also spotted some weird other things too.  But first the ufo's.

The Investigation video is here:

The first UFO I saw was eerily similar to the one I caught during the last mini investigation, 2 sundays ago. it was a red light that hovered in the air and flashed a few times, and even moved a little and then hover and flashed some more then vanished.  A few minutes later I would film another UFO, a huge glowing bright UFO that moved slowly across the sky. It had plane like lights, but what makes this a UFO? It took a sudden 90 degree turn, and looked very weird under the zoom of my camera. But that was not the weirdest thing of the night, no...

Footage of the first UFO

Footage of the second:

What was weirder than these two UFO's? Well I noticed the footprints first. Very unusual. They were long and slender and whatever made them dragged it's feet through the snow. Didn't look like a dog, cat's or other footprints. But what was really weird was what I saw on the footage when I amplified the brightness in Windows live movie maker: A huge monster like 'thing' with glowing green eyes! Don't know what it was. It was so scary looking. I swear I have never seen anything like that in my life. And that's the thing. It was NOT visible to my eyes when filming the area. But it was caught by the footage, just like the blob 2 investigations ago!  Later on it vanished, I went out to film the area to see if I could see it. It was visible 90% of the investigation but turning on the porch light seemed to scare it off.  Here is footage of it:

I don't know what the hell it was. And weirder, the first UFO seems to center around something odd in a nearby tree. Some sort of glowing eyed feature. This tree is about 100 to 120 feet away from me. It looked kind of like mothman. Could just be a weird looking tree. Check the investigation footage for that. All in all, this was one hell of a night for weird stuff to show up.... After getting nothing the previous investigation from 1-2 Am, I decided to change  the time to 6:10 to 7:00 PM and it worked! It's funny. Back in the 2012 UFO sightings by me, almost nothing appeared during the 6-7 PM slot but tons of messed up stuff happened around 1-3 AM. Now it's inverse, the stuff doesn't want to come out around 1-3 Am but shows up around 6-7 PM?  Go figure.

Enjoy the footage, UFO/Paranormal Buffs!

EDIT: The First UFO was proven by me to be a reflection of a cars tail lights off a neighbors window. The "Animal" Was nothing but christmas decorations (green candles) in a window, partially obscured by a bush, with a weird shape.... Sorry for mistaking them for unexplained stuff.