Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2 UFO Watches done this week! Results are in.

 Last Night and the night before, I decided to do UFO Hunts, looking at the night sky for UFO's, and boy did I find them. First watch was done on a Sunday night, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. I looked out at the bright night sky during sundown and saw only one weird thing, a bright yellow light through the trees that is in the wrong position to be the sun.

That ufo watch is available to watch on youtube here:

Fastforward to monday night, I did a UFO watch from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM. I saw 2 UFO's, that night and that was the weird thing. Both were lights that were visible above the street, and no lights on the street could account for these. I have never seen these lights before last night and both vanished relatively quickly after they were seen:

That ufo watch is available to watch on youtube here:

The UFO's spotted in the UFO watch are on videos, available to be watched here:

The second UFO I filmed last night, the video for it was not available to be pasted in through blogger, you can watch it here:

So, you can see, I have some interesting footage to show off. The last one was really weird, what could it be, a streetlight? Doubt it, it's way too high. It's also too bright. And too weird looking. Can't be a plane, because it's standing still, it makes no noise as well. Weird night for UFO's last night. I did see a plane later on and mistook that for a UFO briefly but that was nothing odd at all.

I will be back to film UFO's tomorrow in the afternoon sometime. Stay tuned ufo buffs!