Monday, July 18, 2016

M.U.F.A.R.T. is shutting down more than likely...

It's been a long year...  M.U.F.A.R.T did very little this year... Again...

I, however, really don't feel like continuing M.U.F.A.R.T.  The Main reason why, is that right now I am working on borrowed time. In a month I got to go into Boston to start a job hunt.  That will take 3 months but during that time, I suspect that I will get so busy that I can't do anything..  I don't know for sure, but It looks like the only free time I got left is this month...

I'd love to finish M.U.F.A.R.T. with one more month of UFO hunting... But I don't see that happening... I have other things to attend to this month. For one, I am in a new band that is trying to get noticed right now... That is taking up all of my time. I simply cannot do the band stuff, updates, etc AND UFO hunting at the same time..

It's not possible..

So I say farewell to UFO hunting forever... It sure has been fun. Tons of ufo footage 2 years ago... Some the last 2 years as well.. I just don't have time for it anymore... I have to commit to the new band thing now... I've only got one free month left and then I am going to get REAL busy real fast in august, if I suspect right...

But plans may change... Who Knows... Maybe August will be freed up and I am wrong about this but if I am right (and 90% of the time I am right, my gut instinct hasn't failed me yet..) I won't have free time next month at all. That means NO UFO hunting this month or next month... I simply cannot fit it in.

I'll let you know if plans change next month...

RIP MUPHART 2013-2016....