Monday, November 24, 2014

3 UFO's filmed in the UFO hunt 2 nights ago.

I was home alone for the last 2 nights due to unforeseen consequences. Due to that, I decided to do 2 UFO watches, one 2 nights ago, and one last night. During last nights UFO watch nothing happened, in terms of UFO sightings for me to film. But on the night before, I filmed 3 ufo's in a stretch of 5 minutes. I decided to do the UFO watches in part, due to the nights off and in part due to the frequency of UFO reports our area (Boston, MA) has had this month.

There were 2 ufo reports this month. One amazing one in Boston, on Nov 14 2014. The person who uploaded his report to, saw a light moving through the sky, moving with an erratic pattern to it. Another report from Taunton, was of an object flying through the sky, without obvious plane-like lights, making it less amazing, but still interesting.

Last year in November, there were a lot of UFO reports too and I hoped there would be some in our area around the same time, thinking maybe the reports show up every year at the same time, so I planned on UFO hunts during the time, watching the night sky for 30-45 minutes every night I could do them. I started watching the night sky on the 22 with my sony digital camcorder aimed out a window around 8:30 PM looking for UFO's. I saw one with my naked eye that night, but the camera footage revealed 2 more.

The camera is a sony-dcr sx65 camera and has very good night time filming capabilities. It can change the shutter speed, to let more light in. I set the shutter speed to the highest value so it can catch as much as possible in dark filming conditions. I also brighten the footage in windows live movie maker, my video editing software, to see even more.

The footage below was caught around 9:00 PM. Notice two things. First notice the weird white pulsing light that shows up moving through the sky. It moves erratically. It seems to suddenly change directions at one point, then vanishes. Another light all of the sudden appears far to the left of it long before the disappearance of the first light. This light stands totally still, then it too vanishes. What I caught on film cannot be a plane, for planes have a very obvious light pattern to them, flickering white lights in the corner that pulse at a regular unchanging interval. The pulsing light flickered at a variable interval, proving it cannot be a plane.

 Here is the entire mega ufo watch for people who want to watch it.

Friday, October 3, 2014

New UFO Hunt Complete, Results are in.

Since my parents went out to eat last night, I decided to do a UFO hunt when they were out. I watched the night sky for 15 minutes. I split the UFO watch between 2 windows, my side window and my back window. I filmed the whole thing and actually caught 2 ufo's on film! It was fun. I haven't had these kinds of results in a LONG while. The last time I had these was in late june 2014.

Here is the video for the invesitgation. Enjoy:

I may be doing another one on sunday, 10/5/2014. Check that out. I will update this blog if/when it gets done.... Stay tuned, UFO Buffs...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bigfoot footage proves it's existance.

Over the years, the Skeptics have argued that all Bigfoot footage are hoaxes, misidentified Bears walking on their hind legs and similar. This post will debunk this nonsense claim by them. There are dozens of great videos of Bigfoot on youtube, and while some may be hoaxes, there are plenty that cannot be. The first video we will go into is a video shot in Eastern California by a private filmographer. He was camping in the Sequoias when he captured footage of Bigfoot. The video is here.

The footage shows a big red bigfoot walking across the screen. A video analyzer on youtube found out that this video could not be a man in a suit or CGI. He made another video proving this. Watch this video here:

The major points he made is that that, the figure walks completely different from a man, it hunches over every time it walks, it has massive muscles in places humans don't have, and therefore can't be a guy in a suit. It also has a ton of trees in front of it, and these are really hard to do in CGI, so it's unlikely it's cgi.

I watched a Bigfoot documentary and another piece of footage shot in Idaho was dismissed as being a bear. This excuse by skeptics is one of the most annoying things I've ever read. The creature in the footage in question swings it's arms like a human does. Bears don't do that according to this video which shows a bear walking on it's hind legs. 

 The footage has lots of other problems too. First of all, the bears legs are WAY too short to be Bigfoot legs, in proportion to it's chest.  The creature is the wrong shape, and frankly, I cannot see how it can even be mistaken for a Bigfoot in footage. Another problem is that Bigfoot can walk for extended periods of time on it's hind legs. Bears cannot.

Another bit of footage of a Bigfoot offers proof that the creature is real.

The same video analyzer on youtube did an analysis of this and proved it could not be a man in a suit. His video is here:

In his analysis, the figure walked along till it's front leg fell into a big 5 foot deep pit. It's back leg stayed up at the top of the pit, and the figure stayed upright at the same time. The analyzer tried to see if he could mimic this and failed, utterly, proving it's something a man can't do, therefore the figure is not a man in a suit, but a Bigfoot.

The dumb ass skeptics keep saying "there is no evidence Bigfoot exists". They only say that because they automatically  dismiss all  evidence like this as hoaxes and misinterpretations. Any evidence we bring up will be ignored by science, and even if we did get a body, they would say it's a hoax, so why bother? Most of these people claim they have never seen one in big hunting, camping trips, so therefore it can't exist, and cite the fact there have been no bodies found. But the thing is, there have been bodies found! One particularly annoying skeptic said that "it's suspicious that all these sightings occur when such poor evidence has been found!", another tried to claim that Bigfoot is a fraud, and all sightings were just hallucinations brought on by ADHD. Even that claim is dubious, because sightings seen by multiple people, would prevent that from being true, it's EXTREMELY unlikely that two people would hallucinate the same thing. On particular asshole skeptic poster on a blog tried to claim that there is a conspiracy to fake Bigfoot evidence, and that all the Bigfoot sightings were of people purposely dressing up in suits to make people believe in the "myth" of Bigfoot. It's no myth, it's real.

The following blog post, which you can read here, goes into several sightings of Bigfoot that show bigfoot burying their dead, and in some cases, bodies being recovered. If you read the long post (it's several pages long), you can see that bodies HAVE been found!  It's only a matter of time before another body has been found, and yet again the skeptics will all say it's a hoax.

There have been MILLIONS of sightings of this creature  and similar ones in hotspots all around the world for centuries. Skeptics assume all of these are hoaxes and misenterpretations of bears. I don't buy that. There is no way every single sighting can be a misenterpretation or hoax, at least one mut be a of a real creature unknown to science. One skeptics said "the more sightings there are the less likely the creature is real" and cited a bunk study done by a bigfoot debunker as "proof".  The study said that "the more times a story is told the more fake it becomes, it starts at 50% true, and every time it's told it gets less true", one of the most stupid claims I've ever heard. It wasn't backed up by anything other than the debunkers own words.  This "theory" is BS. You can't use it to "debunk" all the sightings of bigfoot, because most of these aren't being told multiple times before the account is written down, and if they do, it's not being falsified in the process over and over again each time, now is it. This whole idea, and the above mentioned "conspiracy to fake bigfoot evidence" are completely ludicrous, and ludicrous arguments are constantly being used by skeptics to debunk the paranormal.

I've just provided perfect photographic evidence to show bigfoot is a real phenomina, evidence that was not hoaxed, is not a "bear", and the skeptics will still use their "proof" to debunk this. It's sad. The proof is there. If it were anything but bigfoot, or paranormal topic related, no one would say, "it's fake!". But because the skeptics have brainwashed the population to think bigfoot is a massive fraud, that's what they think. It's due to nonsense spread in shows like monsterquest that the forum I mentioned in the last post, got it's users changed from believers to moron skeptics. 6 years ago it was 75% believers who at least thought the phenomina COULD be real. Now it's dozens of people who refuse to believe that and say "HOAX!" for the stupidest reasons.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Major Paranormal Forum (Unexplained Mysteries) now infested with idiotic Skeptics!

For years I've read the forums of looking for paranormal accounts and new things in that vein. And until the last few years, the forum seems to be mostly believer centric, but not anymore. Since then a ton of super idiotic skeptics have joined the forum, and it seems they run the place now. They ruin any paranormal claim with super-skeptical explanations that simply cannot account for the experiences experienced by the original posters. Case in point, the Hugh Gray Loch Ness Photo.

A forum post mentioned an analysis of this photo, showing that it was of an unknown Salamander-like creature. The photo itself is blurry beyond belief, you cannot really tell what the photo shows, but within 15 posts someone mentions how it was "proven" the photo was of a dog in the water with a stick in it's mouth. Then 15 posts later, one person had the guts to say "most of us know it's a dog!". The problem with this explanation is that the photo is so blurry, you can't tell WHAT it is! The "Dog" explanation was set up by copying and pasting a dog into the photo, and somehow the features match up, but the theory doesn't hold water. Another blog debunked the dog theory totally, and their points completely destroy this theory which was concocted by saying a black spot on the photo was a dog's eye.  The issue is that there are many versions of this photo and only one shows this feature, notice the photos below. One shows a big black dot and the other one doesn't. The dog theory proponents are using this to "prove" it was a dog?

The issue is that neither of these photos show a wake behind the supposed "dog" and that the big shadow beneath the large creature is purposely mistaken for a stick in the "dog"'s mouth, even though it's clear in these photos it's just a shadow! And it's painfully obvious from the top photo, which is much blurrier than the bottom one, that the "eye" of the dog is a blurred feature of the photo. The clearer bottom photo doesn't show it at all.

But this one case is not the only things the skeptics have attacked with their nonsense.

A newer bigfoot video has another stupid fake explanation associated with it. The video, taken in the River Mckenzie (In Oregon), by fly fishers, shows a possible Bigfoot. Like the Loch Ness photo above, you really cannot tell just what it is. But the skeptics decided to post a skeptical analysis saying it was a tree stump based on some artifacting it supposedly shared with another video. The only problem with the "tree stump" explanation is that the "bigfoot" actually turns to the left in the said video, which you can watch here. There is no way a "tree stump" would do this.  But the skeptics all explain it with something that fails to explain it in the worse way possible, making them all look like dumb asses in the process! Now I'm not trying to say this video shows bigfoot, it doesn't. Like I said earlier, you can't even tell what it is! It probably is a bear standing up and turning left while on it's Hind legs. But it's no tree stump

But even worse, is the report of a  Skunk ape video found here. The video shot by a hunter, shows an ape creature banging on wood, and it cuts out after a while and ends with the hunter running away. The fact that the hunter did not shoot the Skunk ape, the fact he didn't zoom in on the ape,  and the fact he ran away was proof for 15 or more posters to say it was a hoax. There have been many reports of violent activity by skunk ape's that were sighted in the southeast and this would be the best thing to do, as a gun shot barely fazed on of them in one report. But to the idiot skeptics that is "proof" the video is fake? I quote: "Jesus christ I cannot believe people are taking this laughable attempt at a swamp ape hoax video seriously. You're a moron if you don't believe in shooting it to prove it exists. What makes this animal somehow exempt from the same fate mountain gorillas had? Blow it away I say." See the idiocy on this forum?

The forum gets worse people, It gets worse. A youtube video talked about in a threat (which is here) shows a weird humanoid, yet quadrupedal animal run across a highway in England at night. The animal clearly has back legs like a human that bend like ours and not the opposite way like deer do. Why am I bringing deer up. Well dozens of people on the forum all said "it's a deer" even though it's legs are totally wrong! It's incredibly stupid skepticism here, apparently.   It was "proven" to be a fake later as well, with no actual proof needed. Just "It looks like CGI, so it's a fake!" That's not smart skepticism, that's stupidity. Their proof was another video that looked fake done by the same youtube person. They used this to "prove" it was fake?

In another video, that may or may not be a hoax, a bigfoot was filmed in Canada. The person got close up footage of it, and the people on the forum used the fact he wore "crock" shoes and filmed the trees instead of the bigfoot as proof. Yes, what shoes he wore is proof to these "dumbass" skeptics.
Another person said "it's fake because his face looks like a hoaxers face!". It gets worse people. Another quote from another person is even worse : "Why doesn't he release the complete and unedited video? I call this BS!"

It gets worse folks. A poster on youtube uploaded a video of a bigfoot. Whether it is fake or not I don't know. But immediately everyone thought it was a man in a suit. There was no "i'm thinking it was a fake" it was "It must be fake!". One person even said "she is wearing sandals, FAKE!" I'm not joking. But it gets even worse.

"This film is so fake,it  is just another attempt to throw a fake film into the mix  of films of bigfoot.Everyone can tell that the fake bigfoot was some stupid brat kid in a costume.Now if those kids were mine and they did this crap they would be eating the film camera and would not be able to sit down for a year,I think they should be horse whipped till their skin is ripped from their bodies and be band from ever even owning a camera but thats just me,I am a crule when it comes to liers and cheats and thieves,Still everyone knows this is a fake film and I ask myself why do they let people post this crap on this site? I think we all should be asking this question."

This vulgar rant condones child abuse, choking and torture. And is filled with misspellings. Just shows you the stupid skeptics all over the site now. Now later on the video in question turned out to be a hoax. I am not debating that. I am debating the supposed reason people accuse a video of being faked. The reasons make no sense. Once actual proof is found, that's one thing. But rarely did that even happen. Only once did they PROVE it was fake (this video). The rest was just them accusing the video author of faking it with no proof.

Another post was made by a guy who saw a thunderbird. One person later on said "I think we're being tricked here, this person has done a runner", like the person who originally posted never posted again. That's not proof it's fake, but it was to them?

Another post was talking about a video showing some unknown creature being filmed in a body of water in Northern Ireland. The person filming it had a person in front of him on a boat wearing a suit. Immediately everyone in the post said it was a hoax due to this. WTF?

Another post was talking about a very convincing photo of an Alien Big Cat in England. A whole bunch of people started saying it was a photo of a dog. Even though dogs don't have pointed ears like the photo showed. Sure some have pointed ears, but their to sharp of an angle. Someone else said "It's a hoax because only one photo was taken!" Some of the stupidity on this site is brain melting.

One really annoying thing that keeps happening on the forum, is the repetitive posts by one individual who keeps saying "this cryptid photo/video like all others is just a whale filmed at a different angle" even though the photo in question ALWAYS looks NOTHING like a whale. It's a really stupid thing I've seen over and over again. If it's a joke, then it's one thing, but if this poster actually believes this is the truth, then he is a fool.....

When I used to read the forum regularly, this stuff did not happen. This was back in 2007 and before. Something changed since then. The open minded posters are mostly gone. I don't know where they went. They've been replaced by hardcore skeptics. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect this was some takeover from some skeptic minded site like Skeptoid. It's really sad. These hardcore skeptics are dumb as a rock and make up "proof" that can't explain the thing and assume everything is fake without thinking it through first. They will even say to witnesses posting on the forum that they saw something "You made it all up" or "you're hoaxing it!". This stuff did NOT happen back in 2005 and before. There were so many believers on the forum then it wasn't funny. Now it's all hardcore skeptics with no braincells left. It's really quite disgusting.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2 UFO Watches done this week! Results are in.

 Last Night and the night before, I decided to do UFO Hunts, looking at the night sky for UFO's, and boy did I find them. First watch was done on a Sunday night, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. I looked out at the bright night sky during sundown and saw only one weird thing, a bright yellow light through the trees that is in the wrong position to be the sun.

That ufo watch is available to watch on youtube here:

Fastforward to monday night, I did a UFO watch from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM. I saw 2 UFO's, that night and that was the weird thing. Both were lights that were visible above the street, and no lights on the street could account for these. I have never seen these lights before last night and both vanished relatively quickly after they were seen:

That ufo watch is available to watch on youtube here:

The UFO's spotted in the UFO watch are on videos, available to be watched here:

The second UFO I filmed last night, the video for it was not available to be pasted in through blogger, you can watch it here:

So, you can see, I have some interesting footage to show off. The last one was really weird, what could it be, a streetlight? Doubt it, it's way too high. It's also too bright. And too weird looking. Can't be a plane, because it's standing still, it makes no noise as well. Weird night for UFO's last night. I did see a plane later on and mistook that for a UFO briefly but that was nothing odd at all.

I will be back to film UFO's tomorrow in the afternoon sometime. Stay tuned ufo buffs!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weird green animal spotted in last nights Mega UFO Watch!

I was watching the sky last night during last nights Mega UFO Watch. I was talkking about how dark it was when I was talking about my cameras light feature. During a section of this, while watching the footage, I saw a green animal staring through the window in one frame that was very weird looking:

As you can see, it's a little thin green thing with a big glowing eye and big fangs. It was close to the window, or else the camera would not have captured it on film. What the hell is that thing? When I turned on the camera light a few seconds later to see if I could see what was out there, It was gone, but it's "eye" was 5 feet away, too far away to be  seen by the camera at night. I noticed a weird white spot to the left of it, couldn't figure out what that was either.

I went out the next day looking for evidence of this creature to A) Debunk the idea it was a normal animal or a weird reflection and a tree leaf. I filmed the whole thing while I was looking out there. I looked for a source of reflection near where it was seen, and could not find it. I also looked for footprints and found some further away. They were small and not indented a lot. I didn't look for scratches in the fence. I also noticed a lot of ground being dug. Could this picture show last years mysterious creature from around here, the "Mouskito". Who knows. I could not tell how old the digging was so I have no clue:

Here are some footprints on the driveway:

Here are some more footprints:

Here is the video showing me looking out the next day:

I still don't know what this thing is. It left some footprints, but not much. The footprints were weird looking. Almost bear/human like. I'm not sure what this thing is. Is it the mouskito? Only time will tell.

New "MEGA UFO Watch" Completed! Evidence of UFO's caught on film....

Last night, I decided to look out my back window for 60 minutes, looking for UFO's. I'm glad I did. I caught 2 UFO's on Film. And one Weird Animal. This post will go into the UFO's. The next will be about the animal. I started filming around 8:15 PM. I ended the filming at 9:30 PM.  Not till 9:05 PM did I see the animal, and not till 9:15 did I see UFO's but I saw 3. I also had 4 false positives, which was not good. I mistook a branch, a streetlight and 2 other things for UFO's, which is bad. But I got real ufo's on film.

I recorded the whole thing and uploaded it to youtube. Here is the mega UFO Watch Video.

Here is footage of the 1st UFO:

Here is the 2nd footage of UFO's I filmed that night:

I hope you enjoy these videos. I had fun making them. UFO's I filmed were quite interesting. The 1st was a bright flashing light that appeared, moved to another spot, flashed a few more times then vanished. The 2nd was a 'Flasher' UFO, a bright flashing light that flashes only once. Neither can be explained by Planes, Helicopters, Satellites, Stars, Planets, or other common things. The second is so close to the ground that it can't be anything ordinary. The 1'st has to be a UFO. It moves like one.
I will be watching every day in the afternoon this week. I plan to film it as well. I'm sure I will catch more UFO's on film, but I'm not sure I will cut back the false positive rate.

Stay Tuned, UFO Buffs...

Monday, June 23, 2014

30 Minute Countdown till this nights Mega UFO Watch Starts!

It's a monday (Mega UFO Watch Day) - A day which I am alone from 8 PM to 10 PM Every week. During this time I look at the night sky for 1 to 1 1/2 hours looking for UFO's. It's around 7:30 PM. I will start around 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM, depending on when I get the chance. I can't wait.

During the last Mega UFO watch on Monday, June 16, 2014, I saw 2 UFO's, and recorded a weird red light reflecting off of a car. I filmed for 21 minutes or so. I intend to film for 60 to 75 minutes tonight. I'm looking forward to it. Wait till 2 AM tommorrow morning and the Mega Watch video will be uploaded to my youtube channel. We will see what results I get tonight... Can't wait, like I said..

I may do 30 minute long "Bonus Video" footage tonight looking for UFO's as well. It all Depends.. That will be uploaded seperately.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

New convincing UFO footage filmed by me, Check it out.

Earlier this week on a Monday, I was home alone. So I started filming the night sky around 9:15 PM.  I did a ufo watch that night because I was home alone. It lasted from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM and I filmed for around 21 minutes that night.  The first 2 footage's came from the usual side window I had been filming UFO's all year from. They showed nothing. So I decided to try filming out another window. Right then I noticed something weird on the footage from that particular video.

Below is the video I'm talking about. There is a speck like object that appears out of nowhere, moves around, blurs the camera then vanishes. It can't be a splotch on the window. It appears out of nowhere. It can't be a bug. Bugs just don't simply appear or disappear like that. I don't know what it is...

It was a pretty dark night out that night. The camera amplifies the light level so it seems brighter than it was. Around this time it was past sunset in June (9 PM) so it was about to get really dark. By 9:35 it was pitch black. So 9:15 was just before it got really dark, too dark to film. It was amazing I caught UFO film in such a dark lit night. The camera really helped. It is a Sony DCR-SX65 Digital camcorder which is not cheap but is not top of the line either. But it can amplify the light level which is very useful for UFO hunts at nigh.

I filmed through that window all week, for periods of 15-20 minutes per day sometimes and caught this UFO on film as well:

In the video, right after I say "Sorry about that", a big black disk shaped object appears, flies around then vanishes, only 2 seconds later. It's just as weird as the other footage. I'm not sure what both of these are but I plan to do some more mega UFO watches soon, once per week, on a Monday.

 This Monday I will be home alone again like last Monday, and I plan to film the sky for a full hour to 1 1/2 hours. I only filmed for 21 minutes last time. This will be a lot more. we'll see what the results are. I had planned to do another one tomorrow but plans changed. Can't do that anymore because of  cookout. But Monday, that should be really interesting.

More info later, UFO buffs! Stay Tuned!!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Another Mini Investigation Done, Results are in

Since last night was a sunday, and on sunday nights I do little mini investigations (looking into the night sky looking for UFO's for 30 minutes), I decided to do another one when my parents were out to eat, during the time I was home alone.  So for 30 minutes I looked at the night sky, not sure what I would find. I filmed the whole thing here:

I did manage to catch some weird stuff on camera. Only 1 UFO this time however. I also filmed what could be a Ghost light. Not sure on that, however. The UFO I filmed was fleeting, but noticeable, a white flashing light through the trees ENE of me that appeared, flashed just to the left of where it flashed first, then a few seconds later flashed behind the tree far to the left, then flashed back where it flashed the first time around 20 seconds later, then vanished!  There was no cars tail lights present on my road to account for reflections being the cause of these lights. The footage for this UFO is here:

The ghost light I filmed was a bright white light that appeared behind a tree while I zoomed in. It flashed then vanished. No cars tail lights were seen later to account for this so It can't be a car driving by, as no cars were seen when I saw this. Here is footage of this:

I saw no sign of the weird 'animal' seen during the last mini investigation, done 34 days before this one. No sign of the weird glowing yellow 'eyes' spotted the night after that animal as well. Weird. I plan to do regular night time 'watch' footage every night around 11 PM, to see if I see UFO's late at night. I will do this daily. Hope you enjoyed this, UFO buffs...

Friday, February 28, 2014

New UFO Investigation Completed last night, Results are in:

I decided to do one more UFO investigation before the month of February was over. I did 4 in January and none this month till last night, and I decided to get it out of the way last night/this morning. From 2:15 am to 3 AM I looked at the night sky looking for any odd lights in the sky. Normally I do it from 1 to 2 Am but last night some unforseen consequences prevented me from doing it earlier.

The footage of the UFO investigation is here:

I saw a star like object in the sky, and filmed it in the investigation. But later on it turned out to be nothing but the star Vega.  I also saw a peculiar light in the trees across the street,  around 2:30 Am, which I filmed. This light was flickering and standing still and appeared, dissapeared and appeared again several times. I have never seen it before in that position. This was definitely a UFO, it appeared and then dissapeared.  Here is footage of that:

Later on that morning I also caught another object on camera, a flickering light that flashed twice. It was very faint and I don't think it was a light from that area that flashes a lot, that I see often. It seemed too faint to be it. But just before it a bright light above a neighbors house across the street flickered as I zoomed out. I just caught that 5 minutes ago.  Here is footage of this object:

A few nights ago around 11 Pm I happened to capture a weird "star" on camera. This light looked like a star but I swear it was moving through the sky.  Zooming in on it made it look very odd up close. Here is footage of that object:

As you can see I did not capture much on film last night. The footage quality was not that good looking. It's too bad. The Star I filmed I swear that was A UFO but vega is a better scientific minded explanation. I will be doing another youtube "mini investigation" this coming sunday. I hope to capture some weird stuff on camera during that period. Stay tuned...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another UFO Investigation completed, results are in!

Since my last investigation I've been itching to do another. So I did one tonight, spur of the moment
Since my parents decided to go out to eat without me, I decided to spend the 45 minutes I had alone skywatching for UFO's again. And it wasn't without good results this time. I spent 30 minutes looking out the window where I see a lot of them and saw 2 ufo's and got good footage of both, and also spotted some weird other things too.  But first the ufo's.

The Investigation video is here:

The first UFO I saw was eerily similar to the one I caught during the last mini investigation, 2 sundays ago. it was a red light that hovered in the air and flashed a few times, and even moved a little and then hover and flashed some more then vanished.  A few minutes later I would film another UFO, a huge glowing bright UFO that moved slowly across the sky. It had plane like lights, but what makes this a UFO? It took a sudden 90 degree turn, and looked very weird under the zoom of my camera. But that was not the weirdest thing of the night, no...

Footage of the first UFO

Footage of the second:

What was weirder than these two UFO's? Well I noticed the footprints first. Very unusual. They were long and slender and whatever made them dragged it's feet through the snow. Didn't look like a dog, cat's or other footprints. But what was really weird was what I saw on the footage when I amplified the brightness in Windows live movie maker: A huge monster like 'thing' with glowing green eyes! Don't know what it was. It was so scary looking. I swear I have never seen anything like that in my life. And that's the thing. It was NOT visible to my eyes when filming the area. But it was caught by the footage, just like the blob 2 investigations ago!  Later on it vanished, I went out to film the area to see if I could see it. It was visible 90% of the investigation but turning on the porch light seemed to scare it off.  Here is footage of it:

I don't know what the hell it was. And weirder, the first UFO seems to center around something odd in a nearby tree. Some sort of glowing eyed feature. This tree is about 100 to 120 feet away from me. It looked kind of like mothman. Could just be a weird looking tree. Check the investigation footage for that. All in all, this was one hell of a night for weird stuff to show up.... After getting nothing the previous investigation from 1-2 Am, I decided to change  the time to 6:10 to 7:00 PM and it worked! It's funny. Back in the 2012 UFO sightings by me, almost nothing appeared during the 6-7 PM slot but tons of messed up stuff happened around 1-3 AM. Now it's inverse, the stuff doesn't want to come out around 1-3 Am but shows up around 6-7 PM?  Go figure.

Enjoy the footage, UFO/Paranormal Buffs!

EDIT: The First UFO was proven by me to be a reflection of a cars tail lights off a neighbors window. The "Animal" Was nothing but christmas decorations (green candles) in a window, partially obscured by a bush, with a weird shape.... Sorry for mistaking them for unexplained stuff.

Friday, January 24, 2014

This weeks investigation is done! Results are in....

Since last Saturday was cloudy during last weeks investigation I decided to do another investigation on a clear night, last night. I wanted a clear night to see if I could get images of a star like UFO on camera, and boy did I! I filmed some convincing footage of the existence of star like UFO's, and got several 'flasher' type UFOs on camera. Besides that, however, it was uneventful.

The investigation video is available here:

The footage I caught was crystal clear and showed the object in question, a bright fake star, moving way to fast to be a star when I zoomed in.  I first spotted it around 11:45 PM last night. At first I thought it was a normal star but something, a hunch maybe, tipped me off to film it. I'm glad I did. Looking at the tree to the left of the star, which is due east, proves this is no star because no star is visible in that direction in stellarium, last night at 11:45 PM. Arcturus is close but it is too northerly to be the star in question.  Here is the footage:

Notice how the light in question moves like crazy when zoomed in? I am not moving the camera
that much to make it do this. Pretty sure it isn't a star. Freeze framing the YouTube footage made it obvious it's no star, because that proved it blinked red, blue, green and other colors! I tried to get starlight from a real star to show up in the camera later on the next morning but failed. The rest of the night was not as eventfull. I spent 1 hour upstairs looking for similar lights but didn't see any.

I won't be doing the next investigation for a while, I don't know what day yet. I'm glad I got this images and footage on film. Imagine if I chose not to film the fake star. It managed to vanish 5 minutes later.....  No sign of it seen again...  Check out the video's UFO buffs. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Investigation Completed : Weird thing caught on camera!

I recently decided to do another investigation since the last one done 2 saturdays ago sucked and got no results, (no blog post done for that).  So I decided to do one last saturday. I for 45 minutes, from 2:30 AM to 3:15 am looked at the night sky. I saw no obvious UFO's but did notice weird 'flashing' lights flickering for a split second several times. But what really was interesting is what I caught on film, something I did not see with my own eyes, but the camera recorded it perfectly.  It was a weird black blob that appeared suddenly, flew into a tree then vanished. I have no clue what it was.

Here is the video of the entire investigation:

and here is footage of the blob:

and here is footage of the flickering flash like light sources:

Enjoy the videos. I plan to do another investigation soon. Not sure of which day. But I will be doing it on a clear night so that I get better results. Enjoy the footage ufo buffs!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekly UFO Investigation/Watch Completed..... Results are in.

I've decided that each week, one day of that week that is, I shall go up to my bedroom and start filming the night sky looking for UFO's. I have decided that my latest would be done earlier last week, on a Saturday night/ early Sunday morning. I went upstairs to look for them around 1:00 AM and filmed the night sky for 1 hour. I did notice some weird things. Here is the investigation youtube video link:

During this investigation I caught 2 weird things on tape. Here are video links to both:



The first is an odd white light I have seen moving through the trees 5 times between NOV last year and now. It moves too slow to be a plane, is completely silent, and is moving too low to be a plane, but too high to be a Cars Lights. It's very difficult to film because it is seen going behind trees near where I live. I have to be on it and be very lucky to film it. I was.

The second object is a weird red light I filmed this Sunday around 6:30 PM appearing in the clouds ENE of where I live. It flickered a few times then vanished suddenly.  I have reason to believe this is a mysterious Drone that was seen on camera in my town in Nov 2013. I'm not positive.

It really is amazing how much light this new camera picks up. It spots reflections of cob Web in my window and over amplifies them to be brighter, like it does with everything else.... No more will I be super brightening and enhancing my footage looking for UFO's because the new camera can find them pathetically easy... They are all super amplified. I hope you UFO buffs like my investigation. I had fun doing it with the new camera and everything.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New UFO hunt completed (with new camera!). Interesting result videos posted.

Well... Since I got lots of money on XMAS to get new equipment, I decided to make the most of it. And boy did I! I ordered a used (but in good condition) Sony DCR-SX65 Digital Camcorder online. It is a MUCH better camera than the old one. It picks up all light sources, even super amplifies them all so I can see them all on the footage. More brightness correction does get done in super dark locations but for the most part, it isn't needed too much.  I decided I wanted to get a UFO investigation done right away, so I spent about 1 hour on DEC 31, between 1:18 AM and 2:20 AM looking for odd lights in the sky. I am glad I did.

It was a really cloudy night that night. NO stars were visible. Except for 1. But this star was suspiciously bright. So I filmed it. Good thing I did, because it's no star. I saw the same light the next night and checked it's height compared to a nearby star, Arcturus. It was too high this time to be Arcturus, by far. So high that it made it obvious it was no star. Stars just don't jump up 20 degrees in the sky like that from one night to the next. One night it's around maybe 30 degrees up. The next night 20 minutes later after the last observation the night before, and it's close to 45 degrees up? Below is footage of the object....

It was moving slowly from right to left. But not moving diagonally across the sky like a star. Just moving horizontally, yet moving too slow to be a plane. It made no noise, didn't change color or shape and was the only star visible those two nights, the other ones were obscured by clouds. This one was not. The next night (last night) it was gone. Disappeared. The clouds had no effect on it being seen the last night. Why disappear last night? That just plain proves it aint no star.
The entire investigation was posted as a video yesterday or the day before to youtube. Watch it here:

I plan to do investigations more often now. Once per week. I don't know when they will be posted, but one night a week they will be published on Mupharts official  youtube channel, which is here. Enjoy, UFO buffs.

Weird Weather (and cryptids?) in our state early this morning.... What the hell is it?

So I am looking out the window while it is snowing around 2 AM this morning in Dedham, where I am from. I happen to notice reflective spots all over the ground. Not knowing what they were I immediately ran to the other room to get my new Sony DCR-SX65 digital camcorder to film them. This new camera which I got a few days ago, is powerful enough to catch any light source brighter than a dim star on video. My older camera probably wouldn't have sufficed here, sadly. Take a look at the video for yourselves. What are the mysterious glowing chunks on the ground? You decide:

So what the hell are these? They could be hail. But notice the video. In a later section of the video, around 1:23 minutes in, one of the "chunks" just disappears, like it exploded or something like that. If this was hail, it wouldn't even do that, you would think. Hail would not just spontaneously explode. No way. You might think, "hey maybe the wind blew it". But it wasn't even windy When I filmed it. Hell it isn't supposed to get real windy till tonight. So what the hell are we dealing with here? I don't know. All I know is it's weird.

Later on in the video I start filming a streetlight to see if the light of the streetlight causes the new camera to see weird artifacts like the old one did, when filming the streetlight. This was filmed before the first part where I zoom in on the chunks, even though it comes later in the video.  Notice the electricity zapping out of the wire. Did something puncture a wire or something? It's weird, because the night I first saw this artifact with the old camera (feb 2011), the streetlight was in a certain angle that time. The next day it's angle changed so I could notice the light itself, unlike the night before. It's almost like a phantom force hit the streetlight. So did the same 'phantom' force hit the wire and streetlight, making the light shatter? Hot glass from the streetlight glass cover (on the bottom of the light) would explain the chunks. I don't know... It's weird.

Making things weirder: 5 Minutes later I saw a giant dog sized black rabbit outside across our street. Not having the camera with me, I decided to film the thing, so I ran back to grab the camera. By the time I came back, it was gone. Was this the 'mouskito', the weird animal I heard scream this august? I don't know. Could just be a pet Rabbit. A BIG one though. Weird night last night.... Go Figure... Just another anomalous situation here, in Southern Massachusetts.