Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bigfoot footage proves it's existance.

Over the years, the Skeptics have argued that all Bigfoot footage are hoaxes, misidentified Bears walking on their hind legs and similar. This post will debunk this nonsense claim by them. There are dozens of great videos of Bigfoot on youtube, and while some may be hoaxes, there are plenty that cannot be. The first video we will go into is a video shot in Eastern California by a private filmographer. He was camping in the Sequoias when he captured footage of Bigfoot. The video is here.

The footage shows a big red bigfoot walking across the screen. A video analyzer on youtube found out that this video could not be a man in a suit or CGI. He made another video proving this. Watch this video here:

The major points he made is that that, the figure walks completely different from a man, it hunches over every time it walks, it has massive muscles in places humans don't have, and therefore can't be a guy in a suit. It also has a ton of trees in front of it, and these are really hard to do in CGI, so it's unlikely it's cgi.

I watched a Bigfoot documentary and another piece of footage shot in Idaho was dismissed as being a bear. This excuse by skeptics is one of the most annoying things I've ever read. The creature in the footage in question swings it's arms like a human does. Bears don't do that according to this video which shows a bear walking on it's hind legs. 

 The footage has lots of other problems too. First of all, the bears legs are WAY too short to be Bigfoot legs, in proportion to it's chest.  The creature is the wrong shape, and frankly, I cannot see how it can even be mistaken for a Bigfoot in footage. Another problem is that Bigfoot can walk for extended periods of time on it's hind legs. Bears cannot.

Another bit of footage of a Bigfoot offers proof that the creature is real.

The same video analyzer on youtube did an analysis of this and proved it could not be a man in a suit. His video is here:

In his analysis, the figure walked along till it's front leg fell into a big 5 foot deep pit. It's back leg stayed up at the top of the pit, and the figure stayed upright at the same time. The analyzer tried to see if he could mimic this and failed, utterly, proving it's something a man can't do, therefore the figure is not a man in a suit, but a Bigfoot.

The dumb ass skeptics keep saying "there is no evidence Bigfoot exists". They only say that because they automatically  dismiss all  evidence like this as hoaxes and misinterpretations. Any evidence we bring up will be ignored by science, and even if we did get a body, they would say it's a hoax, so why bother? Most of these people claim they have never seen one in big hunting, camping trips, so therefore it can't exist, and cite the fact there have been no bodies found. But the thing is, there have been bodies found! One particularly annoying skeptic said that "it's suspicious that all these sightings occur when such poor evidence has been found!", another tried to claim that Bigfoot is a fraud, and all sightings were just hallucinations brought on by ADHD. Even that claim is dubious, because sightings seen by multiple people, would prevent that from being true, it's EXTREMELY unlikely that two people would hallucinate the same thing. On particular asshole skeptic poster on a blog tried to claim that there is a conspiracy to fake Bigfoot evidence, and that all the Bigfoot sightings were of people purposely dressing up in suits to make people believe in the "myth" of Bigfoot. It's no myth, it's real.

The following blog post, which you can read here, goes into several sightings of Bigfoot that show bigfoot burying their dead, and in some cases, bodies being recovered. If you read the long post (it's several pages long), you can see that bodies HAVE been found!  It's only a matter of time before another body has been found, and yet again the skeptics will all say it's a hoax.

There have been MILLIONS of sightings of this creature  and similar ones in hotspots all around the world for centuries. Skeptics assume all of these are hoaxes and misenterpretations of bears. I don't buy that. There is no way every single sighting can be a misenterpretation or hoax, at least one mut be a of a real creature unknown to science. One skeptics said "the more sightings there are the less likely the creature is real" and cited a bunk study done by a bigfoot debunker as "proof".  The study said that "the more times a story is told the more fake it becomes, it starts at 50% true, and every time it's told it gets less true", one of the most stupid claims I've ever heard. It wasn't backed up by anything other than the debunkers own words.  This "theory" is BS. You can't use it to "debunk" all the sightings of bigfoot, because most of these aren't being told multiple times before the account is written down, and if they do, it's not being falsified in the process over and over again each time, now is it. This whole idea, and the above mentioned "conspiracy to fake bigfoot evidence" are completely ludicrous, and ludicrous arguments are constantly being used by skeptics to debunk the paranormal.

I've just provided perfect photographic evidence to show bigfoot is a real phenomina, evidence that was not hoaxed, is not a "bear", and the skeptics will still use their "proof" to debunk this. It's sad. The proof is there. If it were anything but bigfoot, or paranormal topic related, no one would say, "it's fake!". But because the skeptics have brainwashed the population to think bigfoot is a massive fraud, that's what they think. It's due to nonsense spread in shows like monsterquest that the forum I mentioned in the last post, got it's users changed from believers to moron skeptics. 6 years ago it was 75% believers who at least thought the phenomina COULD be real. Now it's dozens of people who refuse to believe that and say "HOAX!" for the stupidest reasons.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Major Paranormal Forum (Unexplained Mysteries) now infested with idiotic Skeptics!

For years I've read the forums of unexplained-mysteries.com looking for paranormal accounts and new things in that vein. And until the last few years, the forum seems to be mostly believer centric, but not anymore. Since then a ton of super idiotic skeptics have joined the forum, and it seems they run the place now. They ruin any paranormal claim with super-skeptical explanations that simply cannot account for the experiences experienced by the original posters. Case in point, the Hugh Gray Loch Ness Photo.

A forum post mentioned an analysis of this photo, showing that it was of an unknown Salamander-like creature. The photo itself is blurry beyond belief, you cannot really tell what the photo shows, but within 15 posts someone mentions how it was "proven" the photo was of a dog in the water with a stick in it's mouth. Then 15 posts later, one person had the guts to say "most of us know it's a dog!". The problem with this explanation is that the photo is so blurry, you can't tell WHAT it is! The "Dog" explanation was set up by copying and pasting a dog into the photo, and somehow the features match up, but the theory doesn't hold water. Another blog debunked the dog theory totally, and their points completely destroy this theory which was concocted by saying a black spot on the photo was a dog's eye.  The issue is that there are many versions of this photo and only one shows this feature, notice the photos below. One shows a big black dot and the other one doesn't. The dog theory proponents are using this to "prove" it was a dog?

The issue is that neither of these photos show a wake behind the supposed "dog" and that the big shadow beneath the large creature is purposely mistaken for a stick in the "dog"'s mouth, even though it's clear in these photos it's just a shadow! And it's painfully obvious from the top photo, which is much blurrier than the bottom one, that the "eye" of the dog is a blurred feature of the photo. The clearer bottom photo doesn't show it at all.

But this one case is not the only things the skeptics have attacked with their nonsense.

A newer bigfoot video has another stupid fake explanation associated with it. The video, taken in the River Mckenzie (In Oregon), by fly fishers, shows a possible Bigfoot. Like the Loch Ness photo above, you really cannot tell just what it is. But the skeptics decided to post a skeptical analysis saying it was a tree stump based on some artifacting it supposedly shared with another video. The only problem with the "tree stump" explanation is that the "bigfoot" actually turns to the left in the said video, which you can watch here. There is no way a "tree stump" would do this.  But the skeptics all explain it with something that fails to explain it in the worse way possible, making them all look like dumb asses in the process! Now I'm not trying to say this video shows bigfoot, it doesn't. Like I said earlier, you can't even tell what it is! It probably is a bear standing up and turning left while on it's Hind legs. But it's no tree stump

But even worse, is the report of a  Skunk ape video found here. The video shot by a hunter, shows an ape creature banging on wood, and it cuts out after a while and ends with the hunter running away. The fact that the hunter did not shoot the Skunk ape, the fact he didn't zoom in on the ape,  and the fact he ran away was proof for 15 or more posters to say it was a hoax. There have been many reports of violent activity by skunk ape's that were sighted in the southeast and this would be the best thing to do, as a gun shot barely fazed on of them in one report. But to the idiot skeptics that is "proof" the video is fake? I quote: "Jesus christ I cannot believe people are taking this laughable attempt at a swamp ape hoax video seriously. You're a moron if you don't believe in shooting it to prove it exists. What makes this animal somehow exempt from the same fate mountain gorillas had? Blow it away I say." See the idiocy on this forum?

The forum gets worse people, It gets worse. A youtube video talked about in a threat (which is here) shows a weird humanoid, yet quadrupedal animal run across a highway in England at night. The animal clearly has back legs like a human that bend like ours and not the opposite way like deer do. Why am I bringing deer up. Well dozens of people on the forum all said "it's a deer" even though it's legs are totally wrong! It's incredibly stupid skepticism here, apparently.   It was "proven" to be a fake later as well, with no actual proof needed. Just "It looks like CGI, so it's a fake!" That's not smart skepticism, that's stupidity. Their proof was another video that looked fake done by the same youtube person. They used this to "prove" it was fake?

In another video, that may or may not be a hoax, a bigfoot was filmed in Canada. The person got close up footage of it, and the people on the forum used the fact he wore "crock" shoes and filmed the trees instead of the bigfoot as proof. Yes, what shoes he wore is proof to these "dumbass" skeptics.
Another person said "it's fake because his face looks like a hoaxers face!". It gets worse people. Another quote from another person is even worse : "Why doesn't he release the complete and unedited video? I call this BS!"

It gets worse folks. A poster on youtube uploaded a video of a bigfoot. Whether it is fake or not I don't know. But immediately everyone thought it was a man in a suit. There was no "i'm thinking it was a fake" it was "It must be fake!". One person even said "she is wearing sandals, FAKE!" I'm not joking. But it gets even worse.

"This film is so fake,it  is just another attempt to throw a fake film into the mix  of films of bigfoot.Everyone can tell that the fake bigfoot was some stupid brat kid in a costume.Now if those kids were mine and they did this crap they would be eating the film camera and would not be able to sit down for a year,I think they should be horse whipped till their skin is ripped from their bodies and be band from ever even owning a camera but thats just me,I am a crule when it comes to liers and cheats and thieves,Still everyone knows this is a fake film and I ask myself why do they let people post this crap on this site? I think we all should be asking this question."

This vulgar rant condones child abuse, choking and torture. And is filled with misspellings. Just shows you the stupid skeptics all over the site now. Now later on the video in question turned out to be a hoax. I am not debating that. I am debating the supposed reason people accuse a video of being faked. The reasons make no sense. Once actual proof is found, that's one thing. But rarely did that even happen. Only once did they PROVE it was fake (this video). The rest was just them accusing the video author of faking it with no proof.

Another post was made by a guy who saw a thunderbird. One person later on said "I think we're being tricked here, this person has done a runner", like the person who originally posted never posted again. That's not proof it's fake, but it was to them?

Another post was talking about a video showing some unknown creature being filmed in a body of water in Northern Ireland. The person filming it had a person in front of him on a boat wearing a suit. Immediately everyone in the post said it was a hoax due to this. WTF?

Another post was talking about a very convincing photo of an Alien Big Cat in England. A whole bunch of people started saying it was a photo of a dog. Even though dogs don't have pointed ears like the photo showed. Sure some have pointed ears, but their to sharp of an angle. Someone else said "It's a hoax because only one photo was taken!" Some of the stupidity on this site is brain melting.

One really annoying thing that keeps happening on the forum, is the repetitive posts by one individual who keeps saying "this cryptid photo/video like all others is just a whale filmed at a different angle" even though the photo in question ALWAYS looks NOTHING like a whale. It's a really stupid thing I've seen over and over again. If it's a joke, then it's one thing, but if this poster actually believes this is the truth, then he is a fool.....

When I used to read the forum regularly, this stuff did not happen. This was back in 2007 and before. Something changed since then. The open minded posters are mostly gone. I don't know where they went. They've been replaced by hardcore skeptics. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect this was some takeover from some skeptic minded site like Skeptoid. It's really sad. These hardcore skeptics are dumb as a rock and make up "proof" that can't explain the thing and assume everything is fake without thinking it through first. They will even say to witnesses posting on the forum that they saw something "You made it all up" or "you're hoaxing it!". This stuff did NOT happen back in 2005 and before. There were so many believers on the forum then it wasn't funny. Now it's all hardcore skeptics with no braincells left. It's really quite disgusting.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2 UFO Watches done this week! Results are in.

 Last Night and the night before, I decided to do UFO Hunts, looking at the night sky for UFO's, and boy did I find them. First watch was done on a Sunday night, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. I looked out at the bright night sky during sundown and saw only one weird thing, a bright yellow light through the trees that is in the wrong position to be the sun.

That ufo watch is available to watch on youtube here:

Fastforward to monday night, I did a UFO watch from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM. I saw 2 UFO's, that night and that was the weird thing. Both were lights that were visible above the street, and no lights on the street could account for these. I have never seen these lights before last night and both vanished relatively quickly after they were seen:

That ufo watch is available to watch on youtube here:

The UFO's spotted in the UFO watch are on videos, available to be watched here:

The second UFO I filmed last night, the video for it was not available to be pasted in through blogger, you can watch it here:

So, you can see, I have some interesting footage to show off. The last one was really weird, what could it be, a streetlight? Doubt it, it's way too high. It's also too bright. And too weird looking. Can't be a plane, because it's standing still, it makes no noise as well. Weird night for UFO's last night. I did see a plane later on and mistook that for a UFO briefly but that was nothing odd at all.

I will be back to film UFO's tomorrow in the afternoon sometime. Stay tuned ufo buffs!