Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Mega UFO Watch filmed last night, the results are in...

I decided to get back into UFO hunting last night and did a Mega UFO Watch that night, looking for UFO's out my back window.  I filmed for 33 minutes, talked about a lot of topics, including new UFO Sightings in MA where I live, and other stuff. During that time I captured a UFO on film and documented some really weird face detection errors.

The footage I got, is really good footage. It shows a flashing plane like UFO flicker across the night sky. At first I thought it was a plane. But looking at it's movement closely debunked the idea. It dropped suddenly between two flashes. Planes cannot move like that.  They don't suddenly drop while moving. They cannot turn that quickly or tilt that quickly, that suddenly. This also cannot be a Helicopter because it made no noise. Experimental aircraft? Why would one fly here? Doubt it could be that. It has to be a UFO. 

I will do another UFO hunt next week, on a monday. Looking forward to that. I may also do one tomorrow afternoon. We'll see..

The Video Below is for the entire UFO Hunt:

Here is Footage of the UFO.